Maria Ahlin Moen

Certified Practitioner since December 2020

47 995 39 755
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I love all sorts of people. Everyone has something special and precious about them.


What is your mission and your qualities?


There was a time when I didn’t like myself. I was very close to giving up, had no faith that I was able to make a truly happy life for myself. Now I am a thriving being, thank God! And I relly enjoy helping others feel good about themselves and start moving towards their dreams. It´s so inspiring when people reach goals and achieve what they desire.


I was introduced to Havening by Doug O´Brian. I started using the techniques with my children immediately. It´s such a beautiful, powerful way to use what we already do naturally. And by using it intentionally, we are able to do incredible, emotional change work by practice. 


I hold a M.Sc. in biology and have a background from research and development within plant science. The topics were super interesting and the people around me were relly nice, but I had to find balance before I kept going, i lacked joy. So, I quitted and became an NLP coach in November 2019, as part of my journey.


The quote from Robert Allen lets us be scientists of our own lives, "There is no failure, only feedback".

If you also need help to find joy and just feel good about yourself and your life, I am so inspired to help you! I did it, you can do it! 

Areas of specialization

Anger management, Depression, Low self-esteem, Relationship issues, Relaxation, Insomnia, Stress, Self-Belief, Self-Development, Belief Creation, Confidence, Empowerment


1430 Ås, Norway